Spring is fast approaching, which means, 1/4 of the year is already gone! How did that happen? If you were one of the millions of people who started out with, "I'm going on a diet and losing weight" campaign, then you're not alone. The hardest thing about that plan of action is, it never works. It may briefly work, but it's too difficult to maintain that kind of flow. Wait...there's Good News! You don't have to wait until next January to make the same commitment. You can begin today! The Key is to understand WHAT you're eating and not necessarily how much you're eating. That being said, I'm going to show you how to start on getting healthy (first of all), and losing weight at the same time. GET RID OF GRAINS and ALL PROCESSED SUGARS. The reason for NOT eating grains and sugars is that it causes inflammation in your gut. Your Gut is King of the castle and must be respected. If you abuse your gut, inflammation is only the beginning of your troubles. Inflammation is the main cause of Autoimmune disorders (Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Arthritis, and the list goes on). Check out and download the file below "Leaky Gut" to learn more about this. FOR A LIST OF HEALING FOODS, CLICK ON MY "HOME" PAGE. The beauty of "Eats for Life" healing foods, is that you DON'T have to count calories, or weigh-in every day. You will begin to notice a difference after a couple of weeks, depending on how quickly your body "STARVES" the sugars from your system. Side Note: one of the main things people MISS will be breads and desserts!
I hope this gives you a newly revised boost into Spring and a healthy new you for Summer and the rest of your life! Be Blessed and "Eat for Life" ![]()
Grain-Free Bread
$8.00 - $9.00
*Gluten-Free; Grain-Free; Processed Sugar-Free; Organic Ingredients: Almond Flour; Flax Meal Flour; Maca Root; Hemp Hearts; Unsweetened Apple Sauce; Cinnamon; Nutmeg; Better Stevia; Pink Himalayan Salt; *Sold by the Loaf Apple Spice Muffins
$10.00 - $11.00
*Gluten-Free; Grain-Free; Processed Sugar-Free; Organic Ingredients: Almond Flour; Maca Powder; Pumpkin Puree; Unsweetened Apple Sauce; Cinnamon; Nutmeg; Cloves; Better Stevia; Pink Himalayan Salt; Pureed Dates *Sold per Dozen
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