Have you ever thought to yourself, "Are my vitamins even working? And is it even worth me spending the money on something I'm not even sure is helping me?" I bet we've all been there. We research what we should focus on regarding our gut health, energy levels, hormone levels, anti-inflammatory issues, and the list goes on.
Well, a very resent experience I had will hopefully give you encouragement to KEEP IT GOING! It was 3 weeks ago that my appendix burst, and I was in serious pain. Anyone who know me, understands that I have a high tolerance to pain, and I don't run to the Doctor for every little situation. This happens to be something I should've looked into right away when this excruciating, sharp knife-like pain didn't go away for 4 days. Finally, my husband said, "We should really go get this looked at"! So, we did. I was literally rushed to the hospital where the entire staff was waiting for me to arrive. I met the surgeon beforehand and off we went...into surgery! Patiently, my husband waited for this quick appendix removal to be done, which took about 1 hour. Because my appendix had burst 3 days prior, it was dead inside me, and it began to stick to my intestines. This caused a tear in my intestine, which the surgeon had to put 2 staples to make sure more would not leak out into my system (which it already had). He rinsed out my gut and sewed up my 3 incisions...wow! Now, here is the point to my story and testimony. The surgeon told us, "Because Janet is so healthy, this extremely serious surgery could've been a lot worse, and we would be having a very different conversation"! My surgeon had no idea what kind of vitamins I take or my clean diet, etc. BUT my point is, all the things I do to ensure my body is strong and healthy really is working! Even though my Appendix burst, my body was prepared to fight back. For 8 years now, I live a Grain-free, Gluten-free, Processed Sugar-free, Kosher diet. My Home Page will show you what foods are included in this life changing way of eating. It has not only helped my husband with several issues he's had (see his testimony under Testimonials tab) but has helped me fight a situation that was unforeseen. I also exercise regularly, which doesn't have to be super-hyped cardio but can be motion enough to raise your heart rate to pump your blood and oxygen levels. This can be a brisk walk, run, or bike ride. It also helps to clear your mind and feel peace. So, if you find yourself asking the same question, the answer is a resounding YES! It is working, it does make a difference, and it does prepare your body to withstand whatever may come your way. I pray this short story has given you motivation to keep taking care of your bodies by the foods you eat (and DON'T eat), the vitamins you take, and the exercises you do. Do it for yourself and for your loved ones. They'll appreciate it when it comes down to the bottom line. So, here's to you and Eat for Life!
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Spring is fast approaching, which means, 1/4 of the year is already gone! How did that happen? If you were one of the millions of people who started out with, "I'm going on a diet and losing weight" campaign, then you're not alone. The hardest thing about that plan of action is, it never works. It may briefly work, but it's too difficult to maintain that kind of flow. Wait...there's Good News! You don't have to wait until next January to make the same commitment. You can begin today! The Key is to understand WHAT you're eating and not necessarily how much you're eating. That being said, I'm going to show you how to start on getting healthy (first of all), and losing weight at the same time. GET RID OF GRAINS and ALL PROCESSED SUGARS. The reason for NOT eating grains and sugars is that it causes inflammation in your gut. Your Gut is King of the castle and must be respected. If you abuse your gut, inflammation is only the beginning of your troubles. Inflammation is the main cause of Autoimmune disorders (Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Arthritis, and the list goes on). Check out and download the file below "Leaky Gut" to learn more about this. FOR A LIST OF HEALING FOODS, CLICK ON MY "HOME" PAGE. The beauty of "Eats for Life" healing foods, is that you DON'T have to count calories, or weigh-in every day. You will begin to notice a difference after a couple of weeks, depending on how quickly your body "STARVES" the sugars from your system. Side Note: one of the main things people MISS will be breads and desserts!
I hope this gives you a newly revised boost into Spring and a healthy new you for Summer and the rest of your life! Be Blessed and "Eat for Life"
Grain-Free Bread
$8.00 - $8.75
*Gluten-Free; Grain-Free; Processed Sugar-Free; Organic Ingredients: Almond Flour; Flax Meal Flour; Maca Root; Hemp Hearts; Unsweetened Apple Sauce; Cinnamon; Nutmeg; Better Stevia; Pink Himalayan Salt; *Sold by the Loaf Apple Spice Muffins
$7.50 - $7.75
*Gluten-Free; Grain-Free; Processed Sugar-Free; Organic Ingredients: Almond Flour; Maca Powder; Pumpkin Puree; Unsweetened Apple Sauce; Cinnamon; Nutmeg; Cloves; Better Stevia; Pink Himalayan Salt; Pureed Dates *Sold per Dozen Today is Tuesday, April 14th, 2020 and for the first time in history, the world looks much different than it did just 30 days ago. We didn't know what "Social Distancing" was, or what it would look like for so many Americans to be forced to work from home. Or maybe for some, they were unfortunately laid-off. What actually makes this different and strange is that this Coronavirus has affected the entire globe at once and not just one or two countries like during war times. Some of the main things that have changed for some, through this world-wide event is the need to eat healthy, eat foods that heal, and find a new balance with our families as we stick to our quarantine demands per state. We are now spending more time at home, cleaning, organizing, cooking, and getting to know our families again. Is that really so bad?? If anything, I think we need to learn what is most important in our lives and find a new work-life balance. With that, I hope that we try to experiment more in the kitchen with healthy, healing foods and plan meals together around our tables with conversation, laughter, and much love. After all, laughter is like medicine!
I find that when I set the table in a special, thought out way, it allows the people who will be sitting down eating with me to feel as if something wonderful is about to happen. Even if our plates or glasses don't match, it really doesn't matter because we will be spending time with our families like we haven't done in such a long time. We shouldn't just reserve "Dinner-Time" to holidays or special events. It really should become part of our daily lives again. Below I would like to share with you some of my moments in the kitchen and I hope it inspires you to venture out and try something new. Always remember: Family first and "Eat for Life"! Ideas: veggies, soups, muffins, cakes!How many times have you heard this statement lately? "I only eat Gluten-Free"? But do we really know what we're saying or what it really means? Are we mistaking the term "Gluten-Free" with eating healthy and for weight loss purposes? Well, let's start with the definition of Gluten: Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in wheat, rye, barley and triticale – a cross between wheat and rye. It helps foods maintain their shape, acting as a glue that holds food together. So there's the definition but what does this mean for me? That really depends on the health goals you have for yourself. If you're finding that you're uncomfortable after you eat certain foods like pasta, bread, cereals, and grains then you just might have a very low tolerance for Gluten. You can always test it out buy taking note of what you have eaten in the past 24 hours (sometimes 48 hours). Then if you eat it again, do you have the same effect with bloating, gas, and very uncomfortable tummy? If so, then you just might need to stay away from Gluten products. If you're in the group that wants to loose weight and have more energy for working out, then simply going Gluten-Free is not what you're really looking for. Exercise and weight loss is a much more in-depth process and daily regimen where you should pay attention to all food intake and have a scheduled exercise routine. This will, in no doubt, result in leaner muscles and ultimately, weight-loss. So now let's talk about the group that isn't suffering from Gluten, and who are already in an exercise program. Do you still need to watch your Gluten? Absolutely! There's an incredible range of conditions, everything from fatigue and canker sores, to osteoporosis and inflammatory bowel disease, which is associated with this seemingly innocent protein. Gluten causes trouble by making the body inflamed, resulting in effects all throughout the body. Therefore, no matter what category you may fall under, Gluten is definitely bad news in which staying away from it could be the answer to your health concerns. Understanding the effects of eating a Gluten-Free diet is the beginning of a possible break-through for our bodies. So here's to your healthier self and "Eats for Life". Do you ever find yourself in a place of anticipation? Where just the thought of having that thing, or event makes you anxious and possibly even stressed out? And...furthermore, did you know that stress is the root cause of several illnesses? Welcome to 90% of today's population! No wonder there are so many new ailments we never even heard of 5 - 10 years ago. I know this isn't new news but sometimes it's worth reflecting and understanding what this really means. For instance, did you know that when a person gets stressed out, the stomach produces a very high acidic bile that can cause you to not digest your food properly? It also stops the nutrients you've eaten from fully being transmitted to the parts of your body that needs specific vitamins and minerals in order to function properly. 10 Health problems caused or exacerbated by stress include:
One step further, did you know that the Bible (God's Word), tells us not to worry or be anxious about tomorrow; today has enough issues (Matthew 6:34). Let's look at another one: Proverbs 17:22 says, A happy heart is good medicine, but low spirits sap one's strength. So you see, even God knew and told us not to worry because it can make us ill. Looks like Science finally caught up with the physical explanation of Stress. On the flip side of the coin, lets look at 5 things that happen when we think about happy, and wonderful thoughts.
So, next time you begin to get stressed out, I hope you can think about happy moments in your life, good times with family and friends, and see how your body will thank you for it. Here's to you and "Eats for Life" greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/six_ways_happiness_is_good_for_your_health o here we are at the end of February and Spring is just around the corner! By this time, you should have lost that "Holiday" weight that somehow crept up on us, right?? Not to mention the lack of energy from the Sugar Detox which somehow, lingers into Valentine's Day with, you guessed it, more chocolate and sugar...Yikes!! The next thoughts are, "Oh no...Swimsuit Season is approaching!!" So we begin the dreaded counting of our Calories! This rabbit-hole is so familiar to many and yet we go forward wholeheartedly as if we believe that THIS time, IT WILL WORK! Well, I'm here to help you with NOT counting calories but being more conscious on WHAT you eat and not how much you eat. Did you know that if you eat the right foods and keep away from the wrong foods, your body will begin a process of healing itself from fungus, inflammation, and diseases? Did you know that you can eat a good and healthy amount of the RIGHT foods and not gain weight? Well, you can! So put away your calorie counting book and rethink your foods! By years of experience and practice, I have eliminated Grains and Processed Sugar from my diet and in the process, I have lost weight and kept it off. Beyond just the weight issue, my body feels clearer, healthier, and more energetic than ever before. And BONUS...I haven't gone hungry or counted a single calorie! To begin, just dive right in and remove all grains and processed sugars from your daily food intake. Below, is a list of Grains in which to avoid. I know what you're thinking..."Now what do I eat?" Believe it or not, there are several substitutes for grains that are so much better and healthier than that of grains. Simple examples:
In the long run, it's your own choice what you eat. We all have to eat so the choice is yours! You can continue down that Rabbit-Hole and feel constantly upside down or climb out running with new strength and a healthier future!
I could go on and on but I think I've given you plenty to chew on for now. Until next time... Here's to you and Eat for Life! To Celebrate: "To acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity".
The main definition, "To Celebrate", literally makes one feel happy knowing that we are in one accord, rejoicing, and partaking in a significant event. The best thing about this term is that there is no time-frame mentioned. Which means, we can celebrate anyone, or an event at any time of the year! This simply makes me wonder why it is that so many people fixate on being joyful and courteous to all men during this ONE time of year? Tradition: "The transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation". Once again you can see that Traditions come from ideas that are so welcome, we continue doing them over and over again....AND at any given time. Which brings me to my main point. We should always remember that, not only once a year, should we wish each other glad tidings of good cheer but throughout the year as well. At any given time we should celebrate one another in such a way that by the end of the calendar year, we can honestly bless our family and friends with good wishes and they just might believe us! I pose a challenge to us all. We should Celebrate with a NEW Tradition by uplifting our family and friends verbally and spiritually though out the year; Praying for and loving one another which will cover pains, sicknesses, and loneliness. So from me to you (my readers), I pray God's sincere love, joy, and peace today and for the whole year! Shalom and "Eat for Life" In the life of a Jew, as with any cultures, food is what it's all about. We remember beautiful moments with friends and family and it's usually around the dinner table or standing around in the kitchen while all the wonderful smells that only come around once a year are present and more inviting this year than the last. That's because foods makes us happy! Now try to tell someone you don't eat grains and/or sugar, and you might as well not attend. I'm here to tell you, you can still make the very best meals that will make them all say, "Wow...that's Gulten-Free"? Another obstacle to overcome is when you are told that "Just Once" wont hurt you! Unfortunately, it will. If you're like me, where you've been grain-free, sugar-free, gluten-free for over 4 years, the moment you eat that grain or sugar, your stomach goes into a frenzied mess and doesn't know how to process it. All of a sudden your body reminds you how bad these food items are and how far you've come (that's the good part). Unfortunately, you now have to go through that detox process until you feel clear again. Please understand, we all go through this. But more importantly, you have to decide AHEAD of time, that you will NOT eat grains, sugars, and gluten. Make yourself accountable to someone and tell them to help you through this holiday season. The question still remains..."Now what do I eat"? Fortunately, my website has a list of foods that you CAN eat and actually it's a far cry from being a small list. Go to my "Home" page to view the lovely list of foods to look forward to. Rosh Hashanah (the first holiday of the season)
Rosh Hashanah, literally meaning the "beginning the year" is the Jewish New Year. The biblical name for this holiday is Yom Teruah, literally "day of shouting or blasting". It is the first of the Jewish High Holy Days specified by Leviticus 23:23–32 which occur in the early autumn of the Northern Hemisphere. Tishri, the seventh month in the Jewish calendar, contains three major holidays. Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot. I'm providing a link for you in case you would like to know more about the Autumn Feasts. Jewish communities from around the world use symbolic foods to ask for a sweet, prosperous,and peaceful new year. Chief among these symbolic foods are apples and honey. Which is why I'm promoting my "Apple Spice Muffins" (and their variations) on a special purchase price this month only. Go to my "Order Baked Goods" page for more details or see below. Until next time! Be Blessed and Eat for Life! Have you noticed that everyone seems to be talking about Grains lately? Are we suppose to eat them or not? Is there a list of Grains that are better than others and if so, what are they? This short blog will hopefully cover some of those very important and mind boggling questions.
Let's begin with, "What is a Grain": A grain is a small, hard, dry seed, with or without an attached hull or fruit layer, harvested for human or animal consumption. A grain crop is a grain-producing plant. How our Bodies Work: In 2003, the Human Genome Project showed that most of the time our genes are not the cause of the diseases we see in modern times. It was believed that there had to be 100,000 genes to encode our DNA, one gene for each of the 100,000+ proteins in the human body. This had been the holy grail of human molecular biology for nearly a century. Disease is not written in our genetic code. So why is humankind plagued with so many diseases? It’s not the genes, but what they’re exposed to that forms disease, and that includes our food and our environment. A chronically elevated level of the hormone insulin is the number one problem we now have as a society. Insulin’s main job is to regulate sugar levels when glucose is present in the blood. When too much glucose is present, insulin stores it as fat, and when glucose levels are consistently high, cells become resistant to insulin because they’re overloaded. The pancreas begins to produce more insulin to bombard cells, and a vicious cycle begins. This new epidemic in westernized countries is called “metabolic syndrome”, and it comes from eating too many carbohydrates, refined carbohydrates in particular. Understanding the most popular Grain - Wheat! Wheat is the third largest crop in the world after rice and corn mainly because it can withstand severe climates. Its earliest known existence is found to be about 9,000 years ago, and today, many experts still believe that, should disaster strike, few nations could survive for even a year without it. Although grain has been consumed for thousands of years, stored in kernel form and ground fresh, modern wheat is making people sick. Spelt, Kamut, Einkorn, and a few other related grains which are the result of ancient natural crossings also contain gluten, but do not have adverse affects on many who believe they’re “gluten sensitive”. So what’s different about wheat today that didn’t exist in ancient wheat? Just about everything. 1. Modern industrial Milling
Here’s what experts are saying about modern wheat:
Gluten – Gluten is a protein which enables bread to rise by forming gas cells that hold carbon dioxide during fermentation. Modern technology has increased the amount in wheat so that it now contains about 80% gluten. Lectins – Lectins are so small and hard to digest that they tend to bio-accumulate in your body. They damage the gut lining which leads to leaky gut and other disorders. Lectins also cause leptin resistance, which means that your hunger signal is suppressed and that you’ll be hungry even when your body has had more than enough calories. They’re resistant to heat and digestive enzymes and can bind to almost all cell types, causing damage to tissues and organs. The Myth of Gluten-Free: Spelt, kamut and other related ancient grains contain gluten, but some people who claim to be gluten sensitive can eat them without having digestive problems. Why? It’s not the gluten alone; it’s a combination of all the things done to modern wheat and other industrialized grains. The amount of gluten in modern wheat has been dramatically increased by biological manipulation and is now about 80% of its total protein content. For the increasing population of celiac sufferers, even minute traces of gluten can cause terrible discomfort, but symptoms of gluten sensitivity are generally much milder and health minded individuals who are honing their diet are turning to gluten-free products. The food “industry”, never one to miss a good opportunity, is responding with “Gluten-Free” foods by the dozens and, staying true to the nature of industrialized foods, most of it is junk. Final Thoughts: Grains, a food group that we didn’t eat for 97% of our human existence, are now at the base of the USDA food pyramid with 6-11 servings a day recommended. New science is shedding some light on the problems caused by this popular food group, but of all the habits that you can develop regarding your health, dropping the grains from your diet is probably the one that will pay off the most. Did you ever hear someone say, "Why do I have to have health insurance if I don't ever use it?" Then all of a sudden, they have an emergency visit to the ER...with out insurance! That's the same thing with Organic Foods. It's your Food Insurance! In terms of nutrition, organic food is better. ‘Organic food really has more nutrients, vitamins and mineral, including vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and phosphorous than conventional produced food. This is because in organic farming, great emphasis is on nourishing the soil which in turn gives healthy plants. Here's some "Food for Thought"...the amount you spend more on Organic Food equals to the amount of times you SAVE on going to the doctor. On top of that, you are happier, more energetic, and clear in your mind so that you can be more productive at home, work, and play. Here are more reasons below: So the next time you decide not to spend the extra cash on Organic...think again...if you can!
Be blessed and "Eat for Life"! |